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At- Home Protocol

Curated over years of research and application, Dr. Lewis has developed three at-home protocols that start the healing process. Whether you suffered:

* A TBI much earlier in your life and are starting to notice behavior changes
* Recently suffered a concussion or mTBI and want to promote healing today
* Serve in high risk areas and want to protect from future injury

For those that need higher level care and a more personalized approach, we start everyone at the at-home protocol and modify from there. This usually comes after 3 months of taking the at-home protocol and further intervention is needed. 
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Advanced Care Under Dr. Lewis

For cases where direct intervention is needed and the individual does not reach their desired level of healing from the At-home protocol, we proceed to direct care. There is not a magic pill and this is a process that lasts between 6-18 months for full return to pre-injury. 

* We start with a specific blood panel that is drawn locally and processed with our lab partner
* Results are shared with us within 2-3 days and we schedule a consultation with Dr. Lewis
* Dr. Lewis performs the consultation and modifies the protocol to bring the hormone levels into balance and decrease overall inflammation using different interventions
* We repeat the labs every 3 months until you identify that you are ready to cycle off the protocol

This goes hand in hand with the At-home protocol so your access to resources and personal success coach remains throughout your care. 

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Group Partnerships

We understand brain health (in recovery, protection, and optimization) is usually part of a larger holistic approach to health. We approach our mission with focus and do not want to try to be everything to everyone. As such, we like to be a cog in a larger machine. We currently are engaged with the below programs and able to build a unique agreement based on your aims. 

* US Navy Explosives Dive Group in baseline and prevention study
* TBI healing in support of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy program for Special Operations Veterans
* Suicide prevention and TBI recovery program for Veteran / First Responder Organization
